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What We Believe/

Position StatementS


Eight Essential Doctrines We Believe


While the essentials of these statements are rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and Cardinal Doctrines (marked with *) are immutable, there are positions in our Statement of Faith that may evolve under lead of Holy Spirit and Father God's Heart of Love according to cultural need and responsiveness to His Creation.

Earth and Space


God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each possessing all the attributes of deity. These three are co-equal and are One God. There is one God who is one in substance but manifest as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit commonly known as The Trinity.

Star Cluster


Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, came to this earth, via incarnation through the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless human life. Jesus voluntarily paid for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. He arose from the dead and ascended into heaven and is the only mediator between God and man. He will return to earth and reign as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Christian Booklet
White Background


The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity (not a “force” nor an “it”). He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ and provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth and guidance in doing what is right. He is the agent by which the grace of salvation is imparted into believers at the time they so receive, and, equips every believer so indwelt with the ability to produce Fruit of the Spirit and operate in spiritual gifts to serve the mission of Christ through the church. Believers are filled with Holy Spirit at the time of Salvation and are led by the Holy Spirit today. Holy Spirit comes into the life of the believer when they accept Jesus as their Savior (Baptism OF Holy Spirit) and begins a progressive sanctifying work in their lives. The Holy Spirit also empowers the believer for service, allowing them to bear fruit. Once Baptized IN, Holy Spirit flows through them with the Gifts of the Spirit available, operating today as at the day of Pentecost.


Baptism in Holy Spirit is available for all believers immediately upon Salvation. This is evident through one speaking in their prayer language, starting at the receiving of the Baptism IN Holy Spirit. A believer's prayer language continues to grow throughout their lives, building them up and making them able to be used in all 9 gifts of the Spirit.


The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance (inspiration) of the Holy Spirit. Because the Bible is God-inspired, it is the supreme source of truth, without error, and the final authority on all matters on which it speaks. It is the basis for our belief and living. The Bible is God's revealed and inspired WORD, and has all the answers man needs. While we hold that God is still speaking, and shines Light on Biblical Truth that may adapt our understanding of The Word, no prophetic or revelatory word received will contradict or add to the Bible.

Woman with Bible

THE Church*

The Church is the body and bride of Christ without distinction between the two. It is made of all believers as describing them as disciples/followers of Jesus. They are the manifest extension of Him on the Earth. The "church" is not a place you go to, a “what”, or a “planned service”, but the church is a "who". Believers, those Followers/Disciples of Jesus, are that manifestation.....not some building built by man. The purpose of "the church" is to fulfill “The Great Commandment” and “The Great Commission”. This means birthing and building fully committed mature disciples/followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that we live life as God intended when we commit to relationships with others in fellowship by assembling together in one accord as an Ekklesia to worship wherever that assembly may take place. Accordingly, we believe that where even two or three are gathered together in His name He is in the midst.

The church is not just 4 walls, a pulpit, and some pews. It is not a place you “GO” but is a living breathing manifest BEING of Jesus to the World around. It is the all the followers of Jesus joined together as the Body Bride to reach out to others in need, transforming this world into The Kingdom one person at a time, exacting our Dominion Mandate to make disciples of All Nations. We hold that where two or three are gathered together in His name in homes, ministry centers, Hubs/Axis of Transformation or Traditional Church buildings constitutes the “Gathering Together of Ourselves” and are the places whereby we come to be trained, lifted up by one another and from which we go out to BE the Church.

People on a Deck

Human Beings*

People are made in the image of God, and for the purpose of having fellowship with Him. Although every person has the potential for good, through original sin, it separated mankind from that fellowship. Human's needed a restorer to make that fellowship possible again. People are the supreme object of God’s creation and target of His love and affection. As a result, God gives grace to man through Jesus Christ, to end our alienation from Him and become reconciled to Him; walking in that intimate fellowship again. People were originally created good but through the fall in the garden of Eden, sin entered into the world and left mankind in need of a Savior and redeemer. This redeemer came as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, manifest as God in the flesh, fully God and fully Man. Born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, He lived among us, died on the Cross as the sacrifice for our sins, was buried and resurrected by the Power of Holy Spirit from the dead, ascended to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father where, in the Courts of Heaven, he acts as our advocate. His redemptive act, and it's acceptance, allows us to live and move and have our being in Jesus, seated in Him in the Heavenly realm, from which we rule and reign with power and authority as the Sons and Daughters of God, bringing The Kingdom of God from within us to without, changing the world around us as we exercise our Power and Authority as Sons, Priests, and Kings enacting our Victorious Dominion Mandate.



Salvation is God’s free gift to man, but we must accept it. Salvation comes to man by God’s grace through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, not the good works of humans. We can never make up for our sins by self improvement or good works. Only by receiving God’s grace and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins can anyone be saved from sins penalty. Eternal life begins the moment one personally receives Jesus into their life by faith. This Eternal Life is deposited in the Believer by Holy Spirit and is known as Baptism OF Holy Spirit. 


Believers should be baptized as an outward sign of their inward change and a public declaration of their faith in Jesus as Savior as soon as possible after Salvation. We believe that it's not the "words" said over a person being baptized that have any effect. Nor do we quibble over mode (sprinkle, pour, or immersion) as it is not the act of Baptism that saves. Neither the words spoken, nor the mode that saves (for that makes it about "works that we do"). We believe it is the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus and that acceptance with public confession is that which provides the initiation of relationship with Him.

Vintage Wood Clocks


People are created with an eternal spirit from God to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin, or eternally united with God through salvation through Christ. To be eternally in union with God is eternal life. Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence. Only believers in Jesus Christ will enjoy eternal fellowship with God. 

GRACE ETERNAL and MERCY EVERLASTING/Security of the Believer

Once we receive Jesus as Savior and enter into relationship with Him nothing (NO THING) can separate us from Him. His Grace and Mercy are free gifts that position us into relationship with Him as Lord through redemption, justification, and progressive Sanctification. Once in relationship with Him we will seek to live a life that is free from willful sin, but, should we stumble, we have an advocate (Jesus) that keeps us in Covenant through His blood with our Most Merciful Loving Father. The Seed(security) of Salvation remains within us. While Grace is Eternal and Mercy Everlasting this does not give us license to live a wanton life fulfilling all that our flesh desires, but it empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to our Most Loving Father. We do believe that is possible for a believer to willfully leave their salvation, breaking the covenant with our Most Loving Father by telling Him we no longer wish to live to please Him or want to be part of Him and in doing so there no longer remains an application of sacrifice for their sins, leading them to eternal separation ( negating the seed of security's ability to bear the fruit of eternal life). It is not God's will that any should perish so if that person comes to themselves, and realizes they have a desire to come home, and they return, they will receive acceptance again as a child of God by rededicating their life and will to serve the Most Merciful Loving Father and He will not only accept that service but restore them to the Rights and Identity as a Son.


The Five Fold Ministry Offices are existent today as at the beginning of the church. Some are called to serve as Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelist, or Teachers. These offices are not meant to be a place of elevation or entitlement from which those who hold those offices lord over others. These are active, humble servant leader positions that work from the ground up for the building, edification and support of those under their care.


Jesus is returning to the Earth at some future time, known only by the Father, at which time He will gather His own to Himself and will then set up a benevolent kingdom here on this earth for 1000 years, then a new heaven and earth will be created for all who are in fellowship with Father will live in harmony with God therein forever.


There is a place reserved for those who are followers of Jesus commonly known as Heaven. It is a state of dwelling in the presence of God forever….. There is also a place for those who refuse to accept Jesus as Savior. This is a place of eternal separation from God known commonly as Hell.

end times

As a Ministry, we are made up of several persons who are individuals with individual revelations and understanding regarding End Times. We do not espouse a position on, nor argue with others on the doctrines of Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation “Rapture”, whether there will be a “rapture” or tribulation as held by a dispensational view of end times, a post “rapture” world leader known as “The Antichrist”, Mark of the Beast or other views. ”We hold that We are Christ’s own, and that we will, with Grace, Mercy and Protection face anything that comes our way through the power of Christ that is resident within us in an ever Victorious position of Kingdom Dominion.” We believe that we should live life and minister as though Jesus will come with our next heartbeat, but plan and operate as though it may be 200 years.


We hold to the Biblical definition of Marriage as a Covenant between one Biological Man and one Biological Woman. We hold that sexual intimacy is reserved for participation in only the bounds of so defined Biblical Marital Relationship and any sexual activity outside of that is considered Adultery(for those married) or Fornication (for those not married).

Sexual identity-ssa-biblical relationships

We hold that while God is Gracious and Merciful, His desire is for those in relationship with Him to eschew Homosexual, Bi-Sexual or any sexual practice outside of Heterosexual Marriage. We also understand that there are those in the Body of Christ who may struggle with SSA(Same Sex Attraction) and we condemn any action towards those who struggle with SSA that would be mean, hate filled or spiteful. We hold that the best thing Love can do, is to teach and explain what the Bible says about Sexual Identity, SSA, and such Relationships, in a loving convincing manner to bring those in such situations that are outside God’s Master Design, to repentance through the Kindness of Truth revealed in His Word. We understand, that in this day and age, we may face situations where persons may have entered into relationships that are outside the truth of Biblically defined Marriage or may have had surgical reassignments that have altered the appearance of their biological sex. We know, and hold, that God makes no mistakes, and what sex you are genetically is who you are. If persons who have situations such as that arise or seek to be in fellowship with this ministry, we hold that it is our part to ask Holy Spirit for complete Gracious and Merciful direction as to how to handle each, on a case by case basis of how to lead them back into Biblical Truth that aligns with God’s Master Design.

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